Around the Same Time in ……


I was busy blogging about Kenyan Cinema, EA Music and Make Poverty History. Has much changed since then? It has, albeit slowly.


It was all about ‘the train’ and how I wasn’t a passenger anymore. Some of the people who commented on this post should see it now and laugh about it.


Busy capturing a few memories. An entry which also highlights my how old my Twitter avatar is.


I was enjoying a special visit from a very special person….Mummy dearest. And, Mr Mocha and I were getting more and more serious. Happy days!


Didn’t blog for the most part.


Just realized how time flies and how much has changed since I started blogging. Going back and reading through my blog and some of the comments most of you left make me laugh. At the same time, some of the things I wrote make me gringe. Its all apart of who I am and makes me glad I did start writing.

Memories are surely made of this……..and then some.


…..the clock!

Damn…..time actually waits for no man.

DS just turned 4 months and I was reminiscing how I was in hospital a few months ago churning him out. How time flies!

Around this time last year, here I was panicking that ‘Aunty Flo’ hadn’t reared her ugly head my way. Knowing the how irregular I can be, I wasn’t too worried. Yet at the same time I felt different.

It all started with me panting as I climbed the escalators in the underground rather than riding them up. Before, I would just walk up them like I was in the gym. Now, I was panting like a dog on heat. What was wrong with me?

At home, I was doing ten minute exercises and getting better at them. All of a sudden, I could barely finish a 10minute workout without breaking a sweat and panting like a dog. What was wrong with me?

Also, I was tired when I got home from work and needed a nap more than usual. What was wrong with me?

A week later I got tired of speculating and fearing the worst. I went ahead and had my suspicions confirmed…..


Happy Birthday Hubby… are going to be a dad!

Updated 26/03/11: Pic is my actual testkit! Just thought I put it out there.

Another week gone…

What the heck…..the weekend is with us. So here goes mine…..

  1. Where is your cell phone….. in my racksack (weekend away from home)

  2. Relationship….. with who exactly?

  3. Your hair….messy dreads that need urgent attention

  4. Work….. slow

  5. Your sisters…. does Farmgal count? Ok….got none!  

  6. Your favorite things…. my iMac, decks, iPod, Skecher collection and HiFi

  7. Your dream last night….. I don’t even remember, but I am sure it was about Nai

  8. Your favorite drink…… Apple and Raspberry J2O

  9. Your dream car….. VW Golf GTi with the accessories

  10. The room you’re in…… entrance

  11. Your shoes… comfy pumps

  12. Your fears…… failure and disappointment

  13. Where do you want to be in 10 years… a stable relationship, happily married with a child or two, living in a lavish house and enjoying a wonderful career 

  14. Who did you hang out with this weekend……. my pal and a date

  15. What are you not good at…… drawing, riding a bike and speaking my mother tongue

  16. Muffins? Yes please…Blueberry 

  17. Wish-list item….. MacBook / MacBook Pro or the lens in this photo

  18. Where you grew up… UK

  19. The last thing you did…..ate mabuyus after having my coffee….weird, I know. 

  20. What are you wearing… grey top, pin-stripe trousers, underwear and shoes 

  21. What are you not wearing… a thong

  22. Your favorite pet….. a dog, but I haven’t got one

  23. Your computer……  an iMac

  24. Your life….. exciting, at the moment

  25. Your mood…. excited, the sun is out for the rest of the weekend YIPEEE

  26. Missing… mum & bro & organic food

  27. What are you thinking about….. my future

  28. Your dream location…. Maldives

  29. Your Ex….  good riddance

  30. Your Favorite Item…… lipgloss and gum

  31. Your favorite color….Blue

  32. Last time you laughed… ten minutes ago

  33. Last time you cried… a week ago

  34. School……. will I ever go back?

  35. Love……  makes the world go round

Now…if you are experiencing Bloggers Block while reading this, consider yourself tagged.

Moving on……

Blogger Challenge

Ever questioned some of the things you did back in the day as dangerous or just a phase. Take this for example:

When I was in Primary school, we used to colour our chewing gum using crayola colouring pencils. The taste was awful, but it was the in thing to do. Looking back….were we poisoning ourselves or what?

I haven’t been listening to a lot of music lately or watched any videos, so I am going to leave you with a few slow jams and summer tune that I have come to like:

Stonebridge – Put ‘Em High (Not the actual video)

Avant feat. Nicole Scherzinger – Lie About Us

Sticky feat. Ms Dynamite – Boo (This tune is heavy….must be listened to proper speakers to appreciate it)

Marc Nelson – 15 Minutes (My favourite track from my favourite album. Unfortunately this is not the video. Just click to listen….bangin’ tune)

Lovely weekend peeps! Kisses to the lot of ya!

Q & A with Mocha! – Part II

This story can be found here. I have a question though, as Kenyans, do we ever mature(grow-up) or? Now what is this, surely? CAUTION: Link contains over 18 content. So, proceed at your own risk of being caught by mdosi and getting the sack. You know the drill. 

Well, why lie………the bloggers block virus has hit me, so I need your help. 😦

I am revisiting the Q&A that I did in my old blog, so any questions you have for the ‘Licious that have not be asked before can be posted here with/as your comments.

The rules:

  • Well, there are no rules. So feel free to ask me whatever you want. There are no limits to how many questions you can ask. I will only try to answer them all.

The answers will be published next week.

Well……what are you waiting for…wacha I go get my brain juice pumped in to my head. LOL!!! 🙂

In the meantime, I shall leave you with more musical gems for the weekend (super…..ongeza volume kwa spinje {speakers}):

Robin S – Show Me Love

Snap – Rhythm Is A Dancer

New Kids on the Block – Step by Step (This is a pure gem….LOL)

Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance With Somebody (What happened to this mama?)

Indeep – Last Night A Dj Saved My Life {Mariah Carey Cover & Seamus Haji feat. Kayjay Cover}

Girls Day Out in China Town

Ok…..don’t think I have forgotten about my little challenge to you lot… here to attempt before you read on. Don’t be scared…its not that bad! 😉

Now…..moving on!

This past weekend was really eventful. I enjoyed Friday night catching up with one of my old schoolmates. It was a laugh…reminiscing our former schoolmates and teachers. Funny….those were the technically the most exciting moments of my life.

The following day, my schoolmate, another pal of mine and myself headed down to China Town so I could take pictures, etc. Chinese New Year Unfortunately, as I came to discover on Monday, the parade was on Sunday and not Saturday as I thought. So I missed the best day to take pics. Anyway, I made the most of it and took plenty of pictures of China Town and other spots we visited on the day.

One of the highlights of the girls’ day out was on Monday when we were busy texting each other regarding a certain sweet we bought on the day called a GobStopper. My pals didn’t go for the huge one but a smaller version the size of a plum. Let’s just say, by the time I was finished eating the bloody thing, my mouth was sore. I wonder if you lot can guess how long it took me to finish it? Yes, I did it in one sitting.

Pics of the day will be put here……enjoy the snow ones for now.


A lot of time on there hands today is brought to you by USHINDI. There is this couple (like Brandy, I too was gobsmacked) and then there is this dude (???)

 Happy Wednesday!

Mocha!’s TunePick: Lady Sovereign – Love Me or Hate Me

p.s. Answers to the riddles on Friday…..go see if you can crack them before then.